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events triggered by duration of illumination    
Bonus and Malus are the Latin words for "good" and "bad". In politics, economy, education and other games, a bonus means a gain of points, money or other valuables. A "Malus" means to lose the same.
Arcade video games, the early computer games of the 70s and 80s, reduce this system of reward and punishment to extremely simple visual metaphors and game procedures, abstracting it to its very essence.
A bonus means to gain points or extra strength. All arcade games permit players to pay and easily enter the game, but never actually allow them to win. One can only win a "high score" of points, never the game itself. There is no way around death as "Game Over".

bOnUs|malUS is a series of computer graphical, framed images based on 8-bit pixel graphics of classical arcade games. Additional Pics were added.

Different types of shirts and hoodys with printed motifs of the bOnUs|malUs series are available at:

"ausberlin", Karl-Liebknecht Str.17, 10178 Berlin. [back]


[pre-assembled by bjoern balcke]